Maximize Your Compensation with the Subsequent Injury Benefits Trust Fund (SIBTF)

Eligibility & Benefits: How We Can Help You Secure SIBTF Compensation
The Subsequent Injury Benefits Trust Fund (SIBTF) is a source of additional compensation for injured workers who are suffering from an injury caused by their original work-related injury. In order to proceed with SIBTF case, the underlying Workers’ Compensation injury must have 35% or higher permanent disability and/or 5% or higher permanent disability of a pre-existing disability which affects an extremity (opposite shoulder, knee, etc.)
For SIBTF benefits to be paid, the combination of the original disability or impairment must have resulted in permanent disability of 70% or more. You will be evaluated by vocational rehabilitation and medical experts related to your injury. The percentage of additional disability is added and then your benefits are decided.
If your permanent disability (PD) adds up to 100%, you may be entitled to receive lifetime temporary disability (TD) checks through SIBTF. If your permanent disability does not add up to 100%, we can try to settle for a lump sum through SIBTF. The benefit checks are issued by the SIBTF Claims Unit once they have been awarded by the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB). If you meet the requirements for the SIBTF, or aren’t sure, we can evaluate and access your case.